Sunday, January 5, 2020

Learning Philosophy And Teaching Philosophy - 765 Words

Creating a multitude of experiences for students and focusing instruction around the vocabulary that stems from those experiences is the foundation of my teaching philosophy. From daily exposure and continuous personal research I know that poverty means more than a lack of money; it means a lack of resources-financial, relational, neurological, social-emotional, experiential, and linguistic. It was from this list of necessary resources that I developed my teaching philosophy and the strategies to reinforce it. Currently, I collaboratively teach Pre-K with another teacher, two teacher assistants and 40 children. About 60% of my students are English language learners. I teach all subjects: reading, writing, math, science, and art. Inclusive in the content are the social-emotional skills: patience, sharing, focus, emotional vocabulary, standing up for others, using words instead of violence, exploration, and the value of creativity. Collaborative teaching is a critical tool for balancing efficacious direct instruction and observation/assessment. By choosing to team teach I have provided myself with supports that make time for meaningful student-teacher interactions and encourage daily reflection of student growth. Effectively, my students are impoverished of experience: background knowledge. This lack of experience means they also lack exposure to a rich vocabulary, to those one million words that middle class children come to school having heard and often use.Show MoreRelatedMy Philosophy Of Teaching And Learning1123 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction It is important to develop a philosophy of teaching and learning. Our philosophy drives our passion for teaching, influences our teaching styles, sets our core values, provides strength during challenges and constantly reminds us the importances of self development and learning. 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